We proudly present our new security specialist: Christian!!

This week Christian joined our team. Christian studied computer sciences at the University of Augsburg after finishing his apprenticeship as technical assistant for computer sciences. 

He was interested in IT security right from the begining and collected his first experience testing some low-level hacking (buffer-overflow exploits and open source intelligence gathering). 

Later on he moved more in the direction of web security and cryptography. He already wrote this bachelor thesis in our team where he implemented AES in JavaScript 🙂

When he is not securing the world (wide web), he can be found sitting at the poker desk playing 7-card stud or 7-2 tripple draw lowball. 


A new developer joined our team: Stefan

We are happy to announce that our development team was extended last month: Stefan joined our team already in the mid of August. 

Stefan will concentrate on our Windows and Android development and is already bursting with new ideas. He studied software engineering in Munich and Augsburg and had gathered some experience while working for KUKA laboratories in their application development. During the last 6 months he lived in Ireland doing software product lines research at the Lero. 

While not sitting in our office he is an passionate sports fan: He is proud owner of a season ticket for our local sports club FC Augsburg. When not sitting in the sport arena he is watching football on TV or playing himself. But he is also interested in all other sports and is always supporting the underdog. Therefore he is probably the only US Dax (French rugby team) and Hull City supporter in Germany 🙂


Telekom Innovationspreis 2012 und European Pirate Summit

Telekom Innovationspreis 2012

Am Mittwoch wurde in Berlin im Rahmen des Innovationsforums der Innovationspreis 2012 der Deutschen Telekom verliehen. BoxCryptor – nominiert unter den letzten 5 aus über 100 Bewerbern – war ebenfalls mit dabei. 

Neben einem Gesamtsieger beim Innovationspreis wurde auch ein Publikumspreis vergeben – die Besucher des Innovationsforums konnten per Abstimmung über ihren Favoriten entscheiden. 

BoxCryptor belegte einen tollen 2. Platz in der Gesamtwertung und wurde zusätzlich von den Besuchern zum Publikumssieger gewählt! Weitere Informationen auch hier.

Wir freuen uns über diese Auszeichnung!


This Wednesday Deutsche Telekom announced the winner of their Innovation Award 2012 during the Innovationforums. BoxCryptor also participated as it was nominated as one of 5 finalists (of more than 100 applicants). 

Deutsche Telekom choose one overall winner and the audience could also vote for their favorite solution which then received the audience price. 

BoxCryptor made a fantastic second place in the competition and also won the audience price! More information can be found here.

We are very happy proud to receive this price!


European Pirate Summit

Tags zuvor fand außerdem der European Pirate Summit in Köln statt. Der Pirate Summit ist eine internationale Start-Up-Konferenz die bereits zum zweiten Mal stattgefunden hat. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung fand ein Start-Up-Wettbewerb mit 18 ausgewählte Start-Ups aus Deutschland, Österreich, Irland, Russland, Griechenland, Schweden, Rumänien, Portugal und Großbritannien statt. Dabei präsentierten die Start-Ups vor den Konferenzteilnehmern und der Jury unter anderem bestehend  aus Lars Hinrichs (Xing, HackFwd), Saul Klein (Index Ventures) und Rob Moffat (Balderton Capital) um den ersten Platz. 

BoxCryptor konnte sich hier gegen die Mitbewerber durchsetzen und ergatterte den ersten Platz!


The day before the European Pirate Summit took place in Cologne. The Pirate Summit is an international start-up conference which was organized for the second time. Within this conference a start-up competition took place with 18 start-ups from Germany, Austria, Ireland, Russia, Greece, Sweden, Rumania, Portugal and Great Britain. The selected start-ups had to pitch in front of the conference participants a jury consisting amongst others of Lars Hinrichs (Xing, HackFwd), Saul Klein (Index Ventures) and Rob Moffat (Balderton Capital). 

BoxCryptor made first place and convinced the jury and the audience. 



BoxCryptor welcomes our new team member Igor!

All our BoxCryptor for iOS (iPad/iPhone) users can look forward to the next months: This week Igor joined our team and he will fully concentrate on our iOS development. This means, that a lot of new features are coming soon. 

Igor moved from the Republic of Moldova to Cluj-Napoca (Rumania) 11 years ago to study at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. During that time he developed a passion for free software due to unlimited learning opportunities and the amazing developers community. This experience helped him getting into the software industry where he enjoyed working on several mobile platforms for  five years and almost two years in enterprise software. He enjoys OS development, hacking in Linux, scripting in Python.

His Kindle 3 joins him on long roads and vacations and when not sitting in front of the computer he enjoys mountain trips on his 29er.

He tries to stay up to day with the world through Google Reader and drinks a lot of black tea.




BoxCryptor nominated for the “Telekom Innovationspreis” as one of the TOP 5 solutions

Great news from BoxCryptor! BoxCryptor is nominated as one of the TOP 5 solutions at the Telekom Innovationspreis. 

The objective of this incentive of the Telekom is to have a closer look at innovative cloud solutions for medium-sized businesses. Almost 100 products and ideas have been submitted to them, under which they chose the TOP 12. Those TOP 12 have presented their solutions last week in Bonn in front of a jury which consisted ofTelekom managers and top-class experts from economy, research and politics. 

The winner of the Innovationspreis (and of 10.000€) will be announced at the Innovationsforum in Berlin on the 12th of September. BoxCryptor is also presented there at a stand and informs the interested audience about how to secure the cloud with BoxCryptor. 

We are crossing fingers next week and will inform you about the final winner!

More information can also be found here or here
