Happy New Year & How Everything Began….

It’s time, the year is almost over. We hope you can look back on a successful year. We also want to have a closer look at our past six months. The first thing we realize is that we are very, very grateful for the support and the trust you have given us. Without you, we could not look as positively into the New Year as we do today.  Each and every feedback, support question or comment of you did help us to get better and to develop a product that really makes an impact. But hold on – how did we get so far at all? Join us on a journey through the past few months to get an answer to this question!

Everything started in February 2011 when we evaluated the available cloud storage providers (Dropbox, box.net etc.). We had a different project going and needed a way to share documents, collaborate within our team and to store private data in the cloud. You probably already know the result of our evaluation: Dropbox is – in our opinion – the best provider when it comes to talk about cloud storage. The only question for us was: Is Dropbox safe enough? Can we put our documents, pictures, presentations, contracts – well everything, our whole lives and our company into the hands of Dropbox or any other cloud storage provider? We sort of whished it was that easy, but it wasn’t. We had a bad feeling when storing private files in our Dropbox so Robert got the task to find encryption software that works well with Dropbox. This indeed was a big problem. We could not find any encryption software that supports Dropbox’ features e.g. cross-platform support, access on mobile devices or the possibility to restore earlier versions of files. Well, Robert wouldn’t be such a great software developer as he is if he wouldn’t see this as a challenge: A challenge to develop an encryption software optimized for cloud storage. Well, the end of it was that everybody we told about our encryption software was very enthusiastic about it. This made us realize, that we were not the only ones who had this problem. There were more users who felt uncomfortable when storing sensible files in their Dropbox.

So in May, we decided to release the first version of BoxCryptor for Windows and the BoxCryptor website went online. Very quickly, we realized that this was something people have been waiting for. Two weeks after the launch, we already had several thousand downloads.

In June, Dropbox had a huge security hole which made passwords optional for four hours. This gave us a real boost and strengthened our belief in the need of BoxCryptor. 

At this time our software worked well on Windows computers, but one of our high expectations was an encryption software to work on mobile devices. After hours and hours of development, we finally released the beta-version of BoxCryptor for Android at the 1st of September. After very good feedback a few weeks later the version 1.0 was available. We then concentrated on developing BoxCryptor for iOS. When we opened the registration lists for the Beta-Testers of BoxCryptor for iOS, we realized how desperately our customers have been waiting for this: Within a few hours, we got several hundred interested users to sign up the list. This really gave us a push forward and at beginning of December, we submitted the app to Apple. After weeks of waiting time, Apple finally released our app on the 22nd of December. This was an early Christmas present for us J 

We hope that BoxCryptor will bring secure usage of Dropbox & Co. to lots of people and that we can – eventually some time – fulfill all expectations and requirements for an outstanding encryption software for cloud storage. If you have ideas what needs to be implemented to BoxCryptor, you can always check out our Feedback forum and vote for the most important next steps. We’re doing our best to provide you with a great solution!

We would like to end with it here. We wish you only the best for the next year and stay in touch!

Your BoxCryptor-Team.



Merry Christmas to All of You!

The Holiday Season is immediately before us and the year is slowly but surely approaching its end. We hope you look back on a successful year and start the new one with much enthusiasm. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your trust and the confidence you’ve placed in us.

Today we’d like to answer one question that is eventually bothering you: Who is the team behind BoxCryptor? Read on to know more!  


Boris, Andrea & Robert

Andrea – The Finance & Marketing Girl

Andrea is the only woman in the team and sort of keeps us alive in constantly remaining us to eat, drink and to put on a warm jacket before leaving the office. She is the one who brings in flowers and the latest chit-chat of the world outside. Moreover, if you want to know any number concerning BoxCryptor, Andrea is the woman you are looking for. She analyses each and every data she can get and prepares tables, charts and diagrams. Andrea is also responsible for our PR and marketing (you can find her latest press releases here). You want to know anything about BoxCryptor (except for technical details)? Ask Andrea!

Andrea has studied law and economics at the University of Augsburg, Germany, with a focus on Management and Company and Employment law. Before being co-founder at Acomba, Andrea has written her diploma thesis at SAP in their Sustainability Operations team.

Andrea loves hiking, skiing and – of course –shopping. At weekends you can find her sitting in her favorite coffee bar and chatting or reading books – preferably Swedish crime thrillers.

Robert – The Tech Guy

Getting up late, working all night long and starring at three computer monitors without eating and drinking. Sounds familiar to you? Then Robert would be a good match for you. He’s the tech guy at Acomba and the inventor of BoxCryptor. Robert is always trying to make our products even better and offer you an outstanding solution. There is no problem that cannot be solved by him. If you have any questions concerning technical details – Robert is the one you should talk to.

Robert has studied computer science in Augsburg, Germany and in Valencia, Spain. Robert wrote his diploma thesis at IBM Research and Development and previously worked at the consulting company Accenture.

But Roberts’ biggest passion (besides developing great software) is soccer. He is a big fan of FC Bayern München and his local club FC Augsburg. When not in the soccer stadium, Robert likes to hang out with friends, play video games or enjoy the nightlife in Augsburg.

Chris – The Sales Guy

Chris is responsible for sales. As he has Arab ancestors, he is hot tempered and has impressive negotiating skills. 

He is studying industrial engineering at the University of Erlangen and in his rare spare time he loves playing with everything electrical.

Boris – The Intern

Did you ever sent us a support question or posted one in our forums? Then you probably already know our intern Boris who is responsible for our service and support things. Boris is also the author of many of our tutorials which make it easy for you to understand and use BoxCryptor.

Boris is studying software development at the University of Augsburg and supporting our team since August. When not answering support questions, Boris loves watching sport games: Either American Football (his team are the New England Patriots) or soccer. This means that the number one office talk on every Monday is: Soccer. Needless to mention that the only pitiful person is Andrea – she has to listen to endless discussions about penalties, red cards and offsides.   

BoxCryptor for iOS 1.0 available

We’re excited to finally announce the release of BoxCryptor for iOS in the Apple App Store today! We now support all major desktop (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) and mobile platforms (Android, iOS) so that you can access and edit all your encrypted files whenever and whereever you are!

BoxCryptor for iOS has the following features:

  • Access all your encrypted files on your mobile device
  • Upload (and encrypt) files from your mobile device
  • Create new encrypted folders directly from your mobile device
  • App Unlock for additional security

Just like BoxCryptor for Android, we offer BoxCryptor for iOS in two flavors: Free and Unlimited. You can upgrade to BoxCryptor Unlimited Personal and Business (either for private or commercial use) via In-App Purchase. The Free version has the following limitations:

  • No App Unlock
  • Read access only after you have uploaded 3 files.
  • Only the first two encrypted folder levels are accessible. Deeper folders cannot be accessed.

We have a detailed description of BoxCryptor for iOS and how to use it available in our blog post How to use BoxCryptor for iOS.

You can find BoxCryptor for iOS in the Apple App Store or simply scan this QR-Code:

We also want to inform you that we have raised the prices for BoxCryptor for Windows. As we now support all major platforms we think that also BoxCryptor for Windows is of increased value for our customers – in contrast when only desktop platforms were supported. As some kind of transition phase, we offer a special discount for all blog readers of 25% until the end of the year. Just enter the coupon code XMAS2011 in the order process.

Note: Due to import regulations BoxCryptor for iOS is not yet available in France. We’re waiting for the necessary documents by the French Government right now and hope to release it also in France as soon as possible.

Note II: Just like BoxCryptor for Android, BoxCryptor for iOS does not yet offer any kind of offline mode which means that you always need internet access when using our app. Better offline support is on our roadmap for both mobile apps and we’re doing our best to implement it as soon as possible.

How to use BoxCryptor for iOS

If you have stored your encrypted files in your Dropbox, you can access them on-the-go not only with Android, but also with your iPhone and iPad using the BoxCryptor for iOS app!


1. Connect with Dropbox

In order to use BoxCryptor for iOS, you have to connect it with your Dropbox and choose the source folder with your encrypted files. Click the “Connect to Dropbox” button at the main screen and authorize BoxCryptor for iOS to access your Dropbox.


2. Select your source folder

Browse to the source folder in your Dropbox which contains the encrypted files (e.g. DropboxBoxCryptor). BoxCryptor for iOS automatically detects if a folder is a valid source folder and then asks you for the password which was used to encrypt the files. When you successfully entered the correct password and selected to remember the password, it is securely stored on your device and the next time you open BoxCryptor for iOS directly opens your encrypted folder.

If you don’t have an encrypted folder already, you can create a new encrypted folder by tapping the “Create” button in the folder where you want the new encrypted folder to be created. After entering the folder name and a password, the new encrypted folder will be created in your Dropbox.


3. Browse and view your encrypted files

You can now browse and view your encrypted files just like you know it from the native Dropbox App. When you open a file by tapping it, BoxCryptor for iOS downloads the encrypted file, decrypts it on your device and opens it with the default iOS preview feature. In order to reload the current folder, just pull down the table.

In BoxCryptor Free you can only browse the first two encrypted folder levels. If you want to browse to a deeper folder, you have to upgrade to BoxCryptor Unlimited via In-App Purchase. The upgrade screen appears either when you want to access a feature of the Unlimited version or from the Settings tab (see 5.). Choose Unlimited Personal if you’re using BoxCryptor for iOS only for private usage, otherwise choose Unlimited Business if you also want to use the App for commercial usage. (You can also upgrade from Personal to Business at a later point in time.)


4. Add new files or delete existing ones

By pressing the “Edit” button in the upper right corner, you can access the “edit mode” of a folder where you can delete files and folders. You can also add new files from your photo and video library of your iOS device to this folder by choosing “Add file”.

Another way to add files to your encrypted folder is to use the built-in “Open in…” feature from other apps. When you’re viewing a document in another app and choose to “Open in BoxCryptor”, the BoxCryptor app opens and you can browse to the folder where you want to add the file. By pressing the “Upload to this folder” button, the file is added to the current folder.

When you add a file, BoxCryptor automatically encrypts the file on your device and uploads the encrypted version to Dropbox.


5. Settings and App Unlock

In the settings tab, you can manage the settings of BoxCryptor for iOS, e.g. choose a different source folder or enable the App Unlock feature. If you have App Unlocked enabled, every time you open the BoxCryptor app, you have to enter a numeric PIN in order to unlock the app. Available settings are:

  • Change source folder: If you have multiple encrypted source folders in your Dropbox, this menu item lets you change the source folder
  • Clear stored password: Deletes the stored password for the current source folder. At the next start of BoxCryptor for iOS, you have to enter the password again. (The app has to be “fully” exited before)
  • Enable or Disable App Unlock: Add an additional layer of security by requiring a numeric PIN to unlock the app every time it is opened.
  • Upgrade to Unlimited: Here you can upgrade from Free to Unlimited via In-App Purchase in order to unlock all features of BoxCryptor for iOS without any restrictions.
  • Unlink device from Dropbox: The stored Dropbox authentication token will be deleted and BoxCryptor for iOS will no longer be linked to your Dropbox account.
