BoxCryptor for iOS Beta Sign-Up

We’re excited to inform you about the upcoming release of BoxCryptor for iOS. In the last weeks and months we have worked hard to give you access to your encrypted files on all important platforms. A few weeks ago we released BoxCryptor for Android and we’re making good progress with BoxCryptor for iOS. We even have first screenshots for you:


If you’re eagerly waiting to access your sensitive files from your encrypted Dropbox on your iOS device (iPod/iPad/iPhone) and want to help us developing a great product, please click here sign up for our beta test:

Due to a restriction from Apple, we have to limit the beta test to 50 users.

So why wait? Sign up now!

BoxCryptor for Android 1.0 available

We’re happy to announce that we have released version 1.0 of BoxCryptor for Android in the Android Market today! We added the following new features:

  • Write support *Unlimited version only*
    Besides downloading and reading files, you can now also upload new files to your encrypted Dropbox folder. You can either use the “Upload” menu to select a file or send any file (or files) to the BoxCryptor app using the built-in share feature of many apps.
  • Delete support
    You can delete files and folders on your mobile
  • Minor GUI improvements (e.g. progress bar for en-/decrypt operations)

Since this release we now also differ between BoxCryptor for Android Free and BoxCryptor for Android Unlimited. The free version offers basic read access to your encrypted files (in the first two folder levels) on-the-go while the Unlimited version – as the name indicates – does not impose any limitations for the introductory price of $ 5,99 / 4,99 €.

A detailed description of BoxCryptor for Android is available in our blog post How to use BoxCryptor for Android.

Find BoxCryptor for Android in the Android Market or scan this QR-code:


Find BoxCryptor for Android Unlimited Key in the Android Market or scan this QR-code:


Note: Due to technical restrictions of mobiles we could not use the 2GB limit for the free version and had to find a different freemium offer for BoxCryptor for Android. We hope this is a good compromise for everybody, but we’re open to feedback if you have a better suggestion.

BoxCryptor for Windows v1.1 is available

We have released version 1.1 of BoxCryptor for Windows and it is available for download since the weekend. Following new features are introduced:

  • Improved handling of Dropbox conflicted copies
    With filename encryption enabled, handling Dropbox conflicted copies was difficult, because the conflicted copies were not shown in the BoxCryptor drive as their filenames could not be properly decrypted. BoxCryptor now automatically re-encrypts those filenames.
  • Default support for network drives
    With v1.0.9 we introduced support for network drives by using the /nonFixed command line option. This support is now enabled by default. Be sure to check our FAQ for some minor known issues.
  • New command line switch /config
    By default, BoxCryptor uses the .encfs6.xml configuration file located in the root of an encrypted folder. By using the /config command line switch, you can specify which configuration file BoxCryptor should use so you can achieve a better seperation of encrypted files and encryption information.

    E.g. BoxCryptor.exe /config E:pathtomysecretconfig.xml

    Note: We do not recommend using this switch. Your configuration information is extremely secure, even if an attacker gets access to it because the important information is encrypted with your password. It also breaks compatibility with BoxCryptor Portable and BoxCryptor for Android. But it was a user-requested feature, so we implemented it.

  • Smaller bug-fixes and improvements

The big improvements from version 1.0 were already part of the “release candidate” version 1.0.9 which include:

  • Support for long filepaths up to 32.000 characters
  • Support for network drives
  • Case-insensitive file system

You can download BoxCryptor for Windows v1.1 here:

Happy (secure) syncing! 😉